Weekend Wrap-Up

Well folks, this blog was started as a project for a multimedia communication course and, as we draw closer and closer to the end of the semester, it’s time for me to wrap things up. Blogging has been on my radar for a few years now and has been something I’ve always wanted to do. For now, Charming on the Cheap will be on hiatus: I’ll be balancing work at a PR agency, my last semester of school (ever!), wedding planning (eek!), oh, and just life in general. Let’s just say I have a lot on my plate at the moment.

During my winter month-long break from school, I’ll be working, but I hope to prep some new posts and gather some new inspiration. My hope is to completely rebrand and start from scratch. I hope you’ll follow along on my new journey! For those that want it, I’ll keep you updated as this blog morphs into something new. For now, though, I thought I’d compile a list of some of my favorite posts from the past few months.

1. Homemade Cheese Crackers! These were delicious and a healthy little snack. They took just a few minutes to throw together and bake. I’m anticipating some cheese crackers and tomato soup in my near future…

homemade cheese-its!

2. Snickerdoodle Puppy Chow! This was one of my favorite posts to both put together and photograph, but also just snack on and enjoy! Puppy chow is such a quick and easy treat and I can’t wait to make another batch of this recipe.

Snickerdoodle Puppy Chow -- quick, easy, and absolutely delicious!

3. This Pumpkin Spice and Cocoa Granola was just so tasty! I had never been a big fan of granola but boy did this change my mind! I put it in Greek yogurt or ate it plain as a snack–it was absolutely wonderful either way!

Pumpkin Spice and Cocoa Granola -- the perfect healthy fall treat!

4. These Red Velvet and White Chocolate Chip Cookies have always been one of my favorites. They’ll be especially great for Christmastime cookie swaps. The colors and flavors are perfect for this time of year. Plus they’re super easy and quick!

Red Velvet and White Chocolate Chip Cookies

5. Homemade Apple Chips. This was my first experience with making apple chips and I could not have been more impressed! These were delicious and a great way to use up some fresh apples and make a delicious and healthy snack.

Homemade Apple Chips --- The perfect sweet and healthy snack

6. Peppermint Mocha Puppy Chow! I am so pleased with how this recipe turned out! These could also be a great gift idea if you’re looking for something easy and delicious for your holiday gifts. (They’re awesome if you just want them all to yourself, too!)

peppermint mocha puppy chow -- a perfect easy treat for the holidays

So there you go! I hope you enjoy these recipes! I’ve had a wonderful time putting together this blog over the past few months and can’t wait to pick things up again in the future!

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